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 Interim Manager SCM, Sourcing, Outsourcing and Value Analysis

Frank Jakob Dipl. Ing. TU (Masters)

Your company's success is driven by each of your employee's understanding of the value chain. In this world of ever-increasing competition, there is no room for non-value additive activities and bureaucratic thinking. 

”In his first project as Interim Manager with us, Frank Jakob has instantly identified weaknesses and highlighted potential for improvements. Effortlessly, he convinced and motivated management and employees of his ideas. Thanks to his structured approach, his deep knowledge of SAP and his strong network with clients, he was able to motivate the management and the employees to consistently expand the SCM.”
Dr. Christian Frank, Partner and member of the Executive Board, Atreus GmbH


Efficient and effective sourcing is decisive for the competitive positioning of your company. At the interface between product development, manufacturing, sales and supply, the challenges for the sourcing department are becoming more and more complex and diverse. Having the right tools to measure and control the processes is as important as having a well-trained and highly motivated team.

Step by step through the value chain, I will support you with analysis, a purposeful concept and the implementation of an improved sourcing and outsourcing operation.

”Frank Jakob has managed to nearly half our costs for import/export freights in his role as interim purchase manager. His analysis was exact, and his conclusions spot on. He handled the delicate tendering process, as well as the implementation phase with care, and avoided potential disappointment with existing suppliers. His concept and the choices he has made were so profound, that one year later, we handed over domestic transport to the same service provider.”
Harald Tiemann, CEO, GWF AG

”Frank Jakob analysed all our needs of machined steel castings for our 5 subsidiaries in Germany, England, USA, Canada and Mexico in order to work out cost reduction. For the transfer of the first category to an Indian supplier he was fully responsible. The cost reduction was 50%. He prepared two other categories in a way so that we were able to do the transfer on our own.”
Hagen Alexander, Sulzer Ltd. Head of Advance and Operational Procurement EMEA

”Frank Jakob was chosen for outsourcing of all our pharmaceutical products because of our resources were not sufficient and the project did not run as expected. Within short time he addressed capable and reliable suppliers in eastern Europe. With his help, we were able to meet the schedule. The savings by far exceeded our expectations. The cooperation was so good that we have since used Frank Jakob for optimization projects.”
Mag. Manfred Schafler, CEO Dr. A. & L. Schmidgall GmbH & Co KG

SCM Supply Chain Management

SCM is understood as integrated planning, control and monitoring of the entire flow of information, materials and values from the supplier to the end customer. The lack of inter-departmental communication, suboptimal use of ERP systems and inadequate knowledge about how to interpret statistics are amongst the most frequent causes for persistent issues, such as excess inventories, failure to deliver on time and missing parts.

I can help to enable you to overcome these issues and achieve sustainable success, step by step. There is no need for a conflict between your ability to deliver and the optimization of stock levels. I have successfully implemented concepts to achieve both at the same time in many projects.

”As an interim manager, Frank Jakob has significantly and permanently improved our capability to deliver instantly. And he achieved this while reducing stocks at the same time. In addition, he improved the effectiveness of our purchasing and logistics departments.”
Dieter Berndt, CEO Qundis GmbH

”Frank Jakob analyzed our engine planning. We were able to implement his proposed solutions well and thus permanently reduce missing parts and stocks.”
Harald Schefft, Member of the Board, Caterpillar Marine Power Systems

Production and Outsourcing

Creating value while reducing waste at the same time poses a perpetual challenge in manufacturing. It is testing the boundaries of technical and logistical capabilities constantly. Therefore, it is imperative to strive for consistent improvement in order to maintain and build competitive advantages.

The concept of "Lean" is only one of several important aspects. Production lines, machines and equipment have to be aligned to enable the optimal balance between investment and productivity. Where this cannot be achieved in-house, the choice of external supplier is critical.

The most important aspect, however, is to motivate employees who are interested and open minded. Respect for the individual and constructive support create a productivity-enhancing environment. Employees with a negative attitude are a reason for concern. In Germany, this culture is relatively well developed. But countries like Finland, Norway and Switzerland have shown that there is still scope for development.

”Frank Jakob has supported us in the reorientation of our company. In particular the reorganization of production, the set up of activities in China and the implementation of socially-responsible workforce reduction plans in Germany. Mr. Jakob was always very well prepared and I could rely 100% on his proposals and conceptual plans. Together, we have conducted complex negotiations with the works council, trade unions and their lawyers.”
Andreas Albrecht, CEO, Künkel-Wagner Prozesstechnologie GmbH

Value Analysis

Value analysis is the most important instrument to improve your company's competitive positioning. Each and every department has to contribute.
While management sets objectives, marketing and sales translate these into processes and accounting analyses the results in terms of sales, costs and profits by activity....
My experience and technical expertise can help you and your team realize substantial savings.

”The business magazine brand eins and the market research institute Statista have selected the best consultants. Atreus receives the top mark in the area of interim management. Frank Jakobs personal work was essential for this. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frank for his excellent service to our customers.”
Dr. Christian Frank, Partner and member of the Executive Boards, Atreus GmbH

CV and Project Descriptions

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Responsible: Frank Jakob; Kreuzgasse 15 A; A-6800 Feldkirch

+49 174 31 33 000


© 2021 Frank Jakob / All rights reserved 

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